Saturday, June 18, 2005

Busy and/or Lazy

Lately I've been busy and/or lazy about posting, but I hope to continue writing posts for this blog.

Today I sat at home and was REALLY lazy. I watched the 2002 movie version of "Siddhartha" based on the book by Hermann Hesse. It was good--much like I remember the book. I got three movies on vhs from the large collection of classic movies at the public library, where movies are FREE! I should give credit, however, to Mandi for actually spotting "Siddhartha" on the shelf.

Anyway, I've been working on finishing up a short story and also finding a new job, so those things have kept me busy. Don't ask how many hours I've actually worked on the story--mostly I've been sharpening pencils and setting aside blocks of time to work instead of actually getting anything done.

I did spend a few hours stylizing this-here web page though. What do you think of the changes? Too busy? Or does it work?

Here's a link to a spot where I posted some pictures:


Blogger Astrid said...

Hey, I definately like your new outline or now wait, I LOVE it!!!

9:23 AM

Blogger Astrid said...

Oh, and I have read Siddhartha, in German actually, and I found it a very fascinating book! Most certainly one of the better German books I have read.

9:25 AM

Blogger fgelias said...

my feelings on the new background...

1) love the pic on top

2) the door pic is thoughtful and deep... but if you can fade it a little so that the text is easier to read, that would be good.

3) i think that the background (the part that is now white should be a dark color... this will put the images more in the foreground, and reduce business.

4) the green is nice, but the stripes are distracting.

5) is the top pic one of yours? very nice.

3:04 PM

Blogger luke_d said...


thanks for the positivity! i wish i could read german! or french would be good. what other books have you read in german?


i changed the door picture to be darker like you suggested, and i think it looks better. yeah, the upper one is a painting i did, but just part of it. the whole thing is at:

thanks for the help!

8:10 PM

Blogger traceofblistex said...

I really like the top painting part. The rest I think is too busy. Sorry. The colors don't rub me the right way. The green is a warm color and the gray stripes are cool colors and to me it clashes and distracts my eyes... Maybe a different color stripe and it would jive with my eyes. I think it is fabulous that you are experimenting with the layout! That's very ingenuitive of you! I do like the door pic. Maybe you can beef up the white test, like making it bold or something.
My first little rant of pickiness is not meant to be discouragement! Encourage, encourage, encourage!

11:04 AM

Blogger Astrid said...

Oh, for school, we had to read German books all the time, so the list is endlessly long. However, I prefer reading in English.

4:55 AM


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