Deferring Beliefs to an Intellectual Authority: Rational?
First, I have appreciated the good comments on this topic, which I expected to be a simple thought that would float out there unchallenged.
Let's try things this way:
Say that you are a one of a thousand scientists. You realize that you are not the most brilliant, at least not the most brilliant concerning some specific topic. Yet you are not necessarily the least intelligent. Now, if you were pretty sure that you knew who, among the other scientists, was the very most informed and intelligent, wouldn't you hold a more educated, and probably more accurate view on the topic, IF you deferred your view and accepted UNCONDITIONALLY the view of whoever you thought was most informed and intelligent. Sorta like saying, "you know, I've studied some things here, but my official view is whatever Steven Hawking says."
Now there are a few assumptions here and probabilities that I assume will wash out.
First, it is assumed that the human intellect is capable of grasping something of what is happening in the world in general. Otherwise, it wouldn't matter what view you had.
Second, I assume that one view can be, in a sense, more accurate. That implies absolute truth, even if we cannot necessarily ever know if we have achieved it or know for certain that we have a more accurate position than another.
Third, I assume that the probability we are wrong about the other scientist being more intelligent/informed, multiplied by the possible loss in the level of information/intelligence is LESS than the probability we are right about the authority being right multiplied by the gain in the level of information/intelligence. If this is not correct for a particular situation, then it would not be the case that it would be rational to defer beliefs. However, it would not mean that other situations could not meet sufficient requirements.
Further, if this argument is correct, then it seems that you would be rational in unconditionally deferring your beliefs to ANYONE MORE INFORMED/INTELLIGENT that yourself.
Thoughts? (besides that I'm crazy)
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